
We partner with Governments, NGOs, civil society and the private sector with the aim of financially empowering smallholder farmers, improving our food systems and fighting food insecurity.

World Bank Solar Project

The World Bank Solar Electrification project, initiated by the Rural Electrification Agency in Nigeria took place in Kaduna. ALANA GREEN LIMITED coordinated this project as we provided detailed reports and data acquired from our network of smallholder farmers in Kagarko Local Government Council of Kaduna state, Nigeria. Afterwards, a capacity building program was held and the Emir (who is the head of the tribe) was in attendance, to basically introduce the solar light systems to the farming community. The farmers noted how this would be highly beneficial especially for their mental state as they always had to use lanterns powered by coal or kerosene before now which was a health hazard.

The Sarkin gona (Farmer’s King) expressed gratitude about this initiative. He went on to state that, personally, listening to the radio set would do a lot of good to his health aiding him relax when he takes breaks from the farm and back home at night. The project impacted over 1,500 farmers causing the enjoyable presence  of solar energy in Kagarko community.

MATITO Phinada Rice Mill

ALANA GREEN LIMITED has also undertaken and fulfilled local purchase orders for the supply of Paddy rice from MATITO AGRO AND CHEMICALS LIMITED who are the producers of PHINADA PREMIUM RICE. The contracts were successfully executed to the satisfaction of our clients and we maintain a solid partnership moving forward.


We have also worked in the capacity of “local buying agents” procuring numerous tonnes of cash crop products ranging from soyabean, rice, maize e.t.c. Both companies have enjoyed this working relationship as it has always been a beneficial and sustainable partnership from both ends. We have a solid agreement to foster mutual growth coupled with ongoing plans for continuously doing business together. We share the desire to dominate the future agricultural space while holding each others hand.


The company has been involved in a good number of  projects among which is successfully carrying out contract orders for the supply of maize to ISICHEI FARMS LIMITED a poultry farm domiciled in the Shagamu Area of Ogun state. We enjoy a first offer privilege with this farm too. Some other partners we have carried out business projects  with are  WHITFIELD VENTURES LIMITED, ENAR-SUHARA CONTINENTAL LIMITED,OCP AFRICA, GREEN POWER AGRO CONSULTING e.t.c

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